Sunday, October 30, 2011


Originally destined to be a Bachman book, this little number is not light on the scares. I can recall reading this one on break when I used to work the overnight shift at Target.

Each page I read with skimming intensity, only to be dashed to pieces every time I returned back to work. But I always remembered to bring the red hardcover with me. I also guarded it heavily, seeing as how one book was stolen from me already while reading on the night shift.

I've watched the movie many times, still finding new things in it. What gets me the most is how it's the world's worst way to write yet also the most humbling. Think about it. Writing is the most solitary thing you can do. Yet, we all feel we have an Annie Wilkes who tells us what to write and feeds our ego.

This book remains on my "To be finished" shelf. I've only made it about halfway through the book. Maybe I'm too terrified to continue.

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