Monday, January 9, 2012

Mr. Dead Eyes, Revisited

A current blogger at Free Audio Review has recently reviewed my book. I don't do it often but sometimes I Google my name and the name of my books to see if there is any news buzz. I was delighted to find that someone heard the audio book and decided to write something about it.

One line I like in particular from his review was:

"In the end this mash-up worked for me. I like things a little unusual and this story has it in spades."

I'd like to publicly thank, here on the blog, the person who took time in reviewing my book. He's already reviewed 231 books and I think you should check him out.

You can read the rest of the review here: Full Mr. Dead Eyes Review

Also, you can hear the entire book, for free, here: Podiobooks

So far, Mr. Dead Eyes has been my top seller and has also gained over 180,000 downloads. With there being a high number and a couple of requests for the second installment, I've decided to work on an outline and really begin bridging the story together by 2013.

I may also put up an audio version of Wearing Donnie Torr soon for more promotion. It has been on my mind for a while now. Until then, you keep reading and I'll keep writing.

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