Saturday, August 21, 2010

How To Be More Productive

These dry spells are killing me. Honestly, I get the worst tension headaches now when I know I should be working on a project. In the past four months, I've been able to finish one short story. That's it. That is also pathetic. I maybe wrote twenty pages total in all that time.

One of the things I've learned about being a writer is that you have to be disciplined. You have to create goals and standards for yourself. More importantly, you need deadlines. Something that will pressure you to complete your work. It was effective in high school so why not now?

So, to better churn out some titles, I've decided to create some deadline for my next three books.

Oct 13th = W.A.S.L. ~ The second volume in my short story collection.
[72 pages finished]

Dec 15th = (Untitled survival story.) ~ a novel.
[20 pages finished]

Feb 16th, 2011 = P.F. ~ a novel.
[40 pages finished]

These dates are the dates when I absolutely must finish writing each one, after that, maybe three weeks of editing, designing and possible publication. I figure that if I'm able to churn out one book every two months, then I will always have a project ready to go. Plus, my ideas are flooding my head like a dam about ready to burst. Better to relieve the pressure now.

Wish me luck, gang. Until then, keep writing.

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